Great design is a combination of good taste, thoughtful execution, and years of exerience in understanding the users perspective in how they experience different products. The reality is most engineers aren't designers and most designers aren't engineers. The problem is, if you're a builder or want to build something for people, for the web, you must wear both hats.
What if there was just one more ui library in the world? Said no one ever.
ComponentKit is an open-source library of building blocks for the ones that want to move fstat.
Core ideas of ComponentKit:
- Versatility: Designed with minimal styling but just enough for building quickly without thinking about whether "this needs more padding", or "am I aligning this button right".
- Motion: Simple thoughtful animations out of the box powered by Framer Motion and Tailwind Animate so components feel alive, delightful, and fun; Right away.
- Cohesiveness: Building blocks for the bigger picture. Components are designed to be used in the larger context of the product they are building, think legos for the web.
Listen, It's definitely not a one stop shop and can be improved (and will) but I believe it's a good starting point for most people building using React, Next.js, Shadcn, Framer Motion, etc.
To put it simply, these are beautifully designed and animated components that you can copy and paste directly into your Web and Mobile products.
ComponentKit wouldn't have been possible this quickly without Shadcn and his open-source contributions to the web development community. Using Shadcn has enabled me to build and flesh out ideas fast, and then iterate on them quickly.
I built this for the builders, using Shadcn as the base, and painting 20+ years of design into each component.